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Extracting Schema for OpenAI Functions

In the code example below, we use the openai_function_call library to extract a schema to be used on OpenAIChatStream from a good old python function, so you don't need to write the schema yourself.

First you need to install the library:

pip install openai-function-call

Then simply annotate your function using @openai_function and you will be able to get a openai_schema out of it:

from typing import Literal, TypedDict

from openai_function_call import openai_function

class WeatherReturn(TypedDict):
location: str
forecast: str
temperature: str

def get_current_weather(
location: str, format: Literal["celsius", "fahrenheit"] = "celsius"
) -> WeatherReturn:
Gets the current weather in a given location, use this function for any questions related to the weather

The city to get the weather, e.g. San Francisco. Guess the location from user messages

A string with the full content of what the given role said

return WeatherReturn(
temperature="25 C" if format == "celsius" else "77 F",

    {'name': 'get_current_weather',
'description': '\n Gets the current weather in a given location, use this function for any questions related to the weather\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n location\n The city to get the weather, e.g. San Francisco. Guess the location from user messages\n\n format\n A string with the full content of what the given role said\n ',
'parameters': {'properties': {'location': {'type': 'string'},
'format': {'default': 'celsius',
'enum': ['celsius', 'fahrenheit'],
'type': 'string'}},
'required': ['format', 'location'],
'type': 'object'}}

We can then use this schema directly on our stream:

import json
from typing import Union

from langstream import Stream, collect_final_output
from langstream.contrib import OpenAIChatStream, OpenAIChatDelta, OpenAIChatMessage

stream: Stream[str, Union[OpenAIChatDelta, WeatherReturn]] = OpenAIChatStream[
str, OpenAIChatDelta
lambda user_input: [
OpenAIChatMessage(role="user", content=user_input),
lambda delta: get_current_weather(**json.loads(delta.content))
if delta.role == "function" and == "get_current_weather"
else delta

await collect_final_output(
"I'm in my appartment in Amsterdam, thinking... should I take an umbrella for my pet chicken?"
    [{'location': 'Amsterdam', 'forecast': 'sunny', 'temperature': '25 C'}]

That's it, if you have any questions about this example, join our discord community and we can help you out.